Curated by innovation consultant Lucy Gray, this daily digital newspaper contains resources from educational innovators and top notch educational organizations.
For more information about Lucy's work with teachers, schools, non-profits, and companies, please visit Lucy is available for speaking engagements, workshops, strategic planning and innovation coaching.
- Love is perhaps the most fertile subject of literature, music, and all the arts. Kurt Vonnegut believed you’re only allowed to be in love three times in your life. It has been described as a matter o…
- “Oh, to be reborn within the pages of a book,” Patti Smith exhales within the pages of M Train (public library) — her astonishingly beautiful meditation on time, transformation, and how the radiance …
- Digital divides remain, both within and across countries By Jacob Poushter, Caldwell Bishop and Hanyu Chwe In recent years, there have been doubts raised about the overall benefits of internet access…
- There’s something undeniably alluring about the idea of traveling without an itinerary: showing up at the airport with little more than a ticket in hand and a thirst for adventure, leaving the door o…
- The sales pitch is compelling: By revealing the secrets locked inside your DNA, genetic testing can optimize your workout gains while reducing your risk for injury. “Remove the guesswork from trainin…